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About me

"Life is art, art is life. Both are intertwined and influence each other."

I’m Erik, and I am an illustrator, comic maker, and (illustrative) designer.
I like to inject my art into everything I see. Every surface or place can be a canvas. I don’t like to limit myself and my possibilities.
Drawing is something I’ve been doing ever since I could hold a pencil, and was one of the very few things that ever came naturally to me. It quickly became both an outlet, a means of expression, as a passion.

I live in the Netherlands, but just as I don’t like to limit my art to one type of medium, I also don’t like to be confined and defined by the place where I live.
Feel free to contact me, no matter if you’re Dutch or not.

I am fascinated by life, nature and human nature in general, which are also major sources of inspiration for my work. I like to capture the beautiful, but also the raw reality of life. The things we don’t talk about, the things we all feel but suppress, so we can feel little bit more connected and less alone.

Some of the people/projects I worked for include:

Wintertuin/de Nieuwe Oost
De Verkadefabriek
Grafisch Atelier Den Bosch
Bureau Kunst en Werk
De Optimist
XBANK during ADE

As a graduation project I created the first part of a personal graphic novel, titled Avoiding Jonah, for which I was nominated for the Lucasprijs. (Prize for the best graduation project of the year)




  • Parariso – Grafisch Atelier Den Bosch, ‘s-Herthogenbosch (2019)
    (I created a creative map to show the culutural hotspots in the area, which was distributed at the tourist info & also displayed at the risoprint expo at Grafisch Atelier Den Bosch)
  • ADE – live painting at XBANK (2019) collaboration with Giselle Younglood (Giseljo)
  • Graduation show – AKV st Joost, s’-Herthogenbosch (2019)
    (My graphic novel in progress “Avoiding Jonah” got nominated for the Lucas prize)


  • Vriendendag [friends day, event for kids] live portrait drawing – Verkadefabriek, ‘s-Herthogenbosch (2018)
  • Wintertuin Festival – Radboud University, Nijmegen (2018)
    (I created a GIF animation to go with the book presentation of Nikki Dekker’s book “Een voorwerp dat nog leeft” [ENG: “A thing that still lives”])
  • De Laatste Zomeravond – Verkadefabriek, ‘s-Herthogenbosch
    (together with all other internship colleagues I worked on a huge banner as a decorative piece for this festival)
  • Small stories in silent buildings – Future Dome, Breda (2018)


  • The Dro(w)ned world – Biesbosch museumEiland, Werkendam (2017)


  • Week van het Water – Koetshuis Waterschap Brabantse Delta (2016)
    (collaborative work “Ervaar de overstroming” [ENG:”experience the flood”] was nominated as one of the 3 best projects)
Other projects
  • Business cards for small scale businesses, such as:
    A cosplay photographer and a webshop for wines
  • Two illustrations for De Optimist, for poetry of Jorina van der Laan
  • Screenprinting t-shirts 
  • Poster for Knoflook (volunteer based political cafe, ‘s-Herthogenbosch)